Worldwide, emission from all sources caused an estimated 33.70 lakh deaths, out of which 3.85 lakh were attributable to transportation.

On-road diesel vehicles were responsible for nearly half of the health impacts of air pollution from vehicles worldwide in 2015.

The Supreme Court on Monday said that the National Green Tribunal can examine automobile manufacturers other than Volkswagen also for flouting emission norms if it deemed fit to widen the judicial

China's top environmental watchdog has vowed to succeed in air pollution control this year by enhancing the management of diesel-powered trucks while further reducing industrial emissions.

The economic situation in Zimbabwe is getting worse, as trade unions and protesters call for a three-day strike. It came after the cost of petrol and diesel more than doubled on Sunday.

GURUGRAM: September was clearly the best month in 2018 for Gurugram. Can’t recall anything special?

Volkswagen had to recall hundreds of thousands of cars around the world since it admitted in September 2015 to installing illegal software in diesel engines.

The government of Germany’s Baden-Wuerttemberg state has lodged a damages claim worth millions of euros against the carmaker Volkswagen (VW).

The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA) signed two contracts worth EGP 20m with Car-Gas and Gastec to convert 4,000 cars from operating on diesel fuel to compressed nat

China will take action against highly-polluting diesel trucks by imposing tougher fuel and engine standards, raising rail freight volumes and strengthening its monitoring capabilities, new guidelin
