Water bodies are present on both side of the bypass and the waste gets mixed which results in the rise of waterborne diseases. “We have informed it to the municipal authorities, but though they assured us that they would take necessary steps, they asked us not to inform any media about the matter,” said Shaji.

Four confirmed cases of the disease reported

With four confirmed cases of Japanese encephalitis being reported from Jehangirpuri and Bawana in the Capital, the Delhi Government on Tuesday swung into action and said it was committed to controlling the deadly disease.

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy told the media after the Cabinet meeting on Monday that experts, who had examined the outbreak of diseases, had warned of serious problems in the absence of proper waste management.

KOCHI: With the increasing spread of water borne viral diseases in the state, social activist Mukesh Jain's novel initiative of setting up solar water heaters in schools of the state is in demand. It has also got the approval of the government and education department.

Rajasthan Medical and Health Minister Aimaduddin Ahmed Khan has laid emphasis on expansion of Indian systems of medicine and improving the standard of their drugs to maintain people's faith in these streams for treatment of serious diseases.

The Kerala Government will open ‘fever clinics' in medical colleges, district and taluk hospitals and, if possible, in private hospitals, to combat the spread of leptospirosis (rat fever) in the Ma

A meeting sensitizing NGOs and Media persons on the ongoing Measles catch up campaign was conducted on Wednesday at the social Mobilization Experimentation and Training Centre (SMELC) in Dakopgre, Tura. The measles catch up campaign is a special drive to vaccinate all children between the age group of 9 months to below ten years in the district. The objective of the campaign is to swiftly make the populace immune to measles and reduce death due to the disease through 100% immunization of the children in the targeted age group.

Health risk posed by piling household garb-age due to the GHMC strike has become a contentious issue, with some of the opinion that it will not lead to any epidemic, and others contending that it heightens the risk of transmission of diseases.

Department of Public Health and Engineering (DPHE) has taken up massive plan to bring all the families of the district under 100 percent sanitation coverage by 2013.

For biological control over mosquito population carrying dengue virus, the Department of Fisheries has started survey of all water bodies in Lahore.
