THE IRRITABLE HEART: THE MEDICAL MYSTERY OF THE GULF WAR Jeff Wheelwright . W W Norton & Company . New York . 2001 . 427 pages Bill is 46 and a military

Cancer could result from a disease countering trick gone wrong

Global warming has led to rise in tick borne encephalitis cases

Modified poliovirus may be used to cure brain tumours in future. A study carried out by researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA , shows that the virus is effective in killing

The presbyterian church of Kenya has urged the people to vote against the present ruling party during the forthcoming elections, as the government has failed to combat pollution. "The government's

On April 26, 2001, Ukrainians commemorated the darkest day in their history

To contain the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, Indonesia has banned the import of leather goods from Argentina and France. The country's agriculture department issued the ban and said that it would

The foot and mouth scare assumes alarming proportions in the UK

Lethal and toxic chemicals found in US citizens

For his outstanding work in fighting malaria, V P Sharma gets the Green Scientist Award 2001
