It is generally believed that an efficacious vaccine will be a major asset and the most cost-effective intervention in combating malaria. The fact that individuals living in malaria endemic areas develop immunity against the disease and that injection of irradiated sporozoites can protect humans from infection, suggest that it may be possible to develop vaccines against malaria. (Editorial)

Original Source

In a study they might be helpful for malaria control, scientists said Thursday that resistance to the antimalarial drug atovaquone cannot be passed on by mosquitoes.

We at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continue to be deeply concerned about the growing epidemic of opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose — an epidemic directly related to the increasingly widespread misuse of powerful opioid pain medications.

Original Source

Chandigarh: The Haryana government has told the Punjab and Haryana high court that 'there is no protocol for clinical trials of ayurvedic drugs' even as it administers ayurvedic medicines to drug a

An experimental drug that greatly increases levels of "good" cholesterol has no effect on heart health, a comprehensive clinical trial found, leaving researchers shocked and disappointed.

Three simple solutions to prevent heart attacks and stroke worldwide have been proven effective by an international team led by Hamilton medical researchers.

For over 30 years pharmaceutical companies have been selling fixed-dose combination drugs with scant need to justify their efficacy, safety or rationality for use. The Government of India has finally banned 344 such drugs, though pharma companies have been able to obtain interim judicial stay orders. It is hoped that the courts take into account the serious public health implications of the sale of certain drugs and allow regulatory intervention banning uncertified combination drugs, including codeine-based cough syrups and various cold and flu drugs.

Oxytocin a peptide hormone has the distinction of being the first among the peptide hormones to be sequenced and biochemically synthesized. Oxytocin is secreted from neural as well as non-neural sources inside the body. Among the neural sources supra-optic and paraventricular nuclei of the brain are major sources of secretion, the arcuate nucleus being a minor source. There are many non-neural sources from which synthesis of Oxytocin has been reported.

The three-tier strategy adopted by the government focuses on setting up 1,000 mohalla clinics and 150 polyclinics across the capital in the next one year — a move aimed at bringing primary healthca

Bedaquiline, which is a drug for Multi-Drug Resistant TB, is being introduced at six identified tertiary care centres across India.
