Five years later, when we publish the 2019 State of Renewable Energy, much has changed and yet much remains the same

Nagpur: Continuing with his green energy drive, power minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule has directed MSEDCL to set up more solar plants with total capacity of 3,200MW.

Compared to 906 MW in Punjab, it produces only 148 MW

“I have said before and I reiterate now. Wherever you live and if you have five non-Indian families near you then motivate them to visit India.

Australia’s wind and solar boom looks set to power through 2019 following a record year, despite grid constraints and extra scrutiny from network operators to make sure new projects don’t spark bla

Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Reliance Infrastructure Limited Vs State of Maharashtra and Others dated 21/01/2019 regarding the validity of a tariff regulation determining the Station Heat Rate framed by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). Accordin

This document has been prepared to clarify the roles and responsibilities of local government in the federal context as they have major role in preparation of policy, plans, monitoring & management of renewable energy related projects.

PATIALA: Selling power during peak hours and then purchasing it during the lean period has helped Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) save millions, according to its chairman and managin

Aurangabad: The energy cell of the Chamber of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture (CMIA), the Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) and the District Industries Centre (DIC), Aurangabad hav

Panaji: The joint electricity regulatory commission (JERC) has instructed the Goa electricity department to provide required assistance to consumers interested in generating solar power in the stat
