
Julia Bonds, a grandmother living in the state of West Virginia, usa, has been awarded the 2003 Goldman environmental prize for her fearless campaigning against the hazardous practice of mountaintop coal mining. Bonds, the director of the protest group Co

The us administration's proposed budget has raised the hackles of the country's environmentalists. To be sure, a sum of us $30.4 billion

It has been a year since Anil Agarwal, the founder editor of Down To Earth, passed away. We remember him every moment. We work as his proxies. We work his dreams; they have become ours, too. His

SC toughens stand on mining in Aravalli hill range

An exhaustive life cycle analysis of players in the Indian caustic chlorine sector and its impact on environment. Deals extensively with the alarming issue of mercy pollution, its deadly effects. A comparative study with the global scenario.

A clean environment always makes for good economics

Sinha will make life even more miserable for Indians. Wealth will come about but at the cost of the environment

it is difficult to categorise Natural Premises: Ecology and Peasant Life in the Wes

The question is not just of farming chiru. It is about the policy that a country should have towards wildlife conservation, forest dwelling people and the elite

The Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) has drawn up a comprehensive environmental management plan for Panipat. The board, however, has compromised on its standards in the very beginning.
