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A UN body formed almost a year ago is still unable to suggest how to achieve its goal of sustainable development.

With pollution threatening to smother Egypt, environmental planning is becoming central to the country's economic policies

An agreement between India and Britain on a global convention on forests has received broad support from other nations.

A new grouping of 20 environment ministers seeks to resolve environmental conflicts without setting agendas

Environmentalists and voluntary organisations from all over the country plan to get together in the near future to protest against lacunae in the National Environment Tribunal Bill, which will be

The Group of 77 has enabled developing countries to air their grievances against the powerful North at international fora. But its financial dependence on industrialised countries threatens to curb its role.

By 2010, the world's population will have gone up to 6 billion. But at the recent New York meeting on population and development, counting heads took precedence over critical issues such as women's nutrition and education

In order to reinforce its pro abortion stand, the new US administration has announced its intention of resuming funding to the UNFPA. The hitch: UNFPA supports China's rigorous population control programme, which has been decried internationally as infrin

THAT A capitalist USA wants to share with the world its ideas for cleaner businesses comes clearly through in Management for a Small Planet. The message: We have made mistakes and botched up the

Clashes between the Ogoni tribals and the police over the laying of an oil pipeline have made ecological degradation a key issue in Nigeria's presidential polls.
