The sales of Thai restaurants serving shark's fin soup have declined significantly after an international environmental organisation released a report stating that the mammal's fins contained

Sun, sea and snow bring mercury down to the Earth and in the food

Whale meat contains mercury and PCBs, says a new study

Belgium seems to pay little heed to the UK government s handling of the madcow disease

a union of Belgian farmers has expres

The government of Hong Kong is to monitor dioxin levels in food from mainland China, the us , Australia, New Zealand and the European Union, Greenpeace said. "Hong Kong did not have regular

Coca Cola Enterprises (CCE),

Belgium authorities found carcinogenic dioxins in food products. And they brushed the matter under the carpet. Now, Europe is facing an international crisis

The fishing industry in Uganda is in disarray, with local authorities and the central government taking conflicting stances on the recent lifting of a ban on fish vending. Minister of state for

Despite a government ban on use of some common pesticides in agriculture, our food continues to be contaminated. The there is no alternative factor, ie the absence of more acceptable substitutes, the cost factor and the easy availability of the pesticide
