The State Forest Policy 2023 summarizes the principles and strategy of forest and wildlife management in Rajasthan, keeping in view national priorities and international commitments.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change introduced the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 (“Bill”) in Lok Sabha on 29th March 2023, proposing amendments to the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (“FCA”).

Environment Minister introduced the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 in Lok Sabha on March 29, 2023 that seeks to bring clarity to the country's forest conservation law and exempt certain categories of lands from its purview to fast-track strategic and security-related projects of national importance.

Forest-based adaptation is an ensemble of climate actions that employ forests and trees in support of climate change adaptation and resilience, including sustainable forest management, forest conservation and restoration, reforestation and afforestation.

Judgment of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Jorjo Tana Tara Vs Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change & Others dated 27/07/2022.

The application has been filed by the applicant (Jorjo Tana Tara), April 8, 2019 alleging indiscriminate felling of trees in reserved forest area which is part of Papum Reserved forest, and part of Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh.

Judgment of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Narinder Singh & Others Vs Divesh Bhutani & Others dated 21/07/2022.

The issue related to whether a land covered under a special order issued by the government of Haryana under section 4 of the Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900 (PLPA) is a forest land within the meaning of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

The environment ministry has directed the constitution of a project screening committee in each state/UT for an initial review proposals involving diversion of forest land, according to this Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022.

Report filed by the Principal Secretary, Forest & Wildlife Department, Kerala on steps taken for forest fire protection.

25.87 million hectares is the size of forest missing from the latest assessment of India’s green cover. An analysis by Sunita Narain.

India has recorded an increase of 1,540 square kilometres in its forest cover, according to the biennial India’s State of Forest Report 2021, published by the Forest Survey of India. This is the increase recorded during 2019 and 2021
