The fires damaged hundreds of acres of forest. No casualties or loss of livestock reported.

Hongtsho fire destroyed 500 acres
Genekha fire ravaged 400 acres

Fire near Janadingkha lhakhang in Katsho gewog , damaged forty acres of blue pine

Fires in Limbukha and Mendrelgang damaged 50 acres

Fires in Baylangdra, Sha Ngawang and Phayul

From his lookout atop an 80- foot-tall tree, Gopal could see the forests in three states burning simultaneously last fortnight. Even though fires are not unusual at this time of year in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve (NBR)

Mumbai: Forest dept says fire was doused in half-an-hour, no animal injured

A fresh fire broke out at the tiger safari enclosure in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) on Wednesday evening, but was extinguished soon, said D Rathod, superintendent of lion/tiger safari. About half-an-acre within the enclosure was gutted in the fire, said the forest officials.

Solan: In preventive action against possible forest fires, the Forest Department has launched a campaign to educate masses about safety measures needed. Contact programmes to spread awareness about the Himachal Pradesh Forests (protection from fire) Rule, 1999, are being organised, with the help of panchayats and mahila and yuvak mandals.

Jamshedpur, March 17: The state forest department has involved 82 villages in the Dalma range to check forest fires this summer.

GANGTOK, March 17

Gangtok: In a bid to arrest the outbreak of forest fire across Sikkim, the state forest department on Monday outlawed the kindling of fire in private or on any type of land in the state.

Gangtok: At least ten forest fires broke out across Sikkim since Saturday as police and fire services personnel battled to put off the blaze which gutted forest cover of an estimated 25 hectares of land at Raksang.

GANGTOK, March 15

Higher temperatures will kill forests. So much for sinks Trees
