The Haryana chief minister's office turns down an appointment sought by the Down To Earth correspondent saying-What is special about Sukhomajri. So is the reaction of the local MLA Chander Mohan who
The white-bearded, wiry Baiga tribal of Chada village in Mandla is a sad man. " Dukh to hota hai, per kuch kar bhi nahi sakte " (It hurts, but we cannot do anything about it), he says helplessly.
Two black Himalayan bears that were caught in traps in Bhutan's Begana and Yoesipang region were released into the forest by team of forestry officials. Officials said that a small male bear which
and environment-friendly logging practices will be drafted by the International Labour Organisation (ilo). The new code will help cut the number of deaths and injuries among the world's three million
In a crusade to weed out corrupt officials, noted social activist Anna Hazare, widely acclaimed for his innovative conservation efforts that transformed the Ralegan Siddhi village in Ahmednagar
The Chipko movement halted commercial tree felling in UP's Chamoli district, but the women who led it are still fighting corrupt and indifferent forest officials and fund constraints to maintain the pace of development