The national seminar on forestry sector administration development was held at New delhi on 24-25 February 1992. The seminar was organised by the Indian Institute of Foest Management, Bhopal and sponsored by Swedish International Development Agency - ISO/Swedforest.

Forests officers writing about conservation issues is nothing unusual. However, rarely does a forest officer write ethnographical accounts. C K Karunakaran, former chief conservator of forests,

A forest officer "Untouchability has not been eradicated from the country. There still exist classes of people who have to perform chores for their lords with unquestioning servility. Any

One of the common engagements that the public has with wildlife is reading about wildlife or ecological research in newspapers and magazines. Exploration of remote areas, the discovery of new

Illegal structures around the Ranthambore national park

Journalist dedicated to forest issues killed in Assam

This first of three Down To Earth analyses of tiger reserves finds Melghat in Maharashtra in a legal mess
