Sri Lanka has imposed a ban on genetically modified (GM) foods to avoid any health risks that are associated with such crops. Officials said that the ban would give them more time to find out if GM

Monsanto gets the nod to carry out trials of its GMOs

while urging the European parliament to approve legislation on genetically modified (gm) products, European Union's (eu) environment commissioner Margot Wallstr

A major breakthrough promises to transform the agricultural sector

Bio-crigineered mustard varieties which have yielded nearly three times the national average yields have been tested by New Delhi's Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). Apart from

By the turn of the century, you can dig your teeth into anything starchy and yet maintain good dental health courtesy, genetically engineered plants

The halo that surrounded it is slowly coming apart. Dubbed as the final solution for all that ailed humans, genetic engineering, or the manipulation of genetic material so as to alter the genes

Engineered fruit and vegetables probably hold the key to a healthier future

Two groups,in the US - the Pure Food Campaign and the Coalition Against Life Patents - orgardsed a protest, and picket in New York and Chicago on September, 27, The protest was to draw attention

Edible vaccines made from plants? This seemingly unusual proposition is on the verge of becoming a reality. Preliminary studies in the US indicate that genetically altered potatoes, bananas, alfalfa
