The Filipino government, within the close of this decade, intends to supply potable water to over 95% for its population.

Lisa Wolfe, a veterinarian at Colorado Parks and Wildlife, fed and monitored Rascal on Monday as he walked on the treadmill.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is working on a scheme to increase agricultural productivity by providing exact information to farmers on the type of crops they should grow, fertiliser

The country’s premier agri-research body ICAR is working on a scheme to increase agricultural productivity by providing exact information to farmers on the type of crops they should grow, fertiliser and water requirements through the use of GPS technology.

A detailed national inventory of wetlands has been prepared on the basis of satellite imagery by ISRO, highlighting the areas of critical ecological significance and those which are facing extreme threat due to developmental activities.

This is for the first time in India that the city-based Space Application Centre (SAC), a part of ISRO, has prepared such an inventory and atlas of all the wetl

The proposed Western Ghats Natural Heritage Conservation Authority (WGNHCA) will likely strengthen the management of the serial sites nominated for the Unesco's World Heritage List.

The country has been campaigning for the status for 39 sites of the Ghats and the Paris session of the World Heritage Committee that began on Sunday will decide on the list.

Earlier, the International Union for C

New Delhi In what could ease availability of land for industrial projects, a high-level government panel has recommended that all land held by the Centre should be inventoried with location mapping so that unused land could be easily identified and put up for sale to corporates under a public-private-partnership (PPP) model.

Joint venture private firm engaged through signing of contract

To study the present status of its water supply system and suggest augmentation and upgradation work to be undertaken, the New Delhi Municipal Council has engaged a joint venture private firm through signing of a contract on Thursday.

The contract agreement has been signed by NDMC with the JV firm consisting of DRA Consultants, N

This compendium published by Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and CISCO presents selective cases on the use of ICT for effective urban governance and service delivery in India.

A crucial agreement for the mapping and monitoring of Murree Forests Division (MFD), highlighting encroachments on forest land, was signed between the Punjab Forest Department and World Wide Fund for Nature
