WASHINGTON – The world’s oceans are now rising at a pace far faster than they did in the past, a new study says.

Global sea levels are rising significantly faster than earlier thought, according to a new Harvard study.

A month’s walk from the nearest sea, Kathmandu -- elevation almost a mile -- is as vulnerable to climate change as the world’s coastal megacities.

As the largest single chunk of melting snow and ice in the world, the massive ice sheet that covers about 80 percent of Greenland is recognized as the biggest potential contributor to rising sea levels due to glacial meltwater.

Until now, however, scientists’ attention has mostly focused on the ice sheet’s aquamarine lakes — bodies of meltwater that tend to abruptly drain — and on monster chunks of ice that slide into the ocean to become icebergs.

This study is based on both the recent and the predicted twenty first century climatic and hydrological changes over the mountainous Upper Indus Basin (UIB), which are influenced by snow and glacier melting.

Local tour operator Fox Glacier Guiding has been unable to take tourists hiking since April because the glacial melt had caused the river to block access to a popular hiking trail.

Fox Glacier, a town of about 300 residents, trades on its namesake: a giant slab of ice and snow a short drive from the main street.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading UN body for the assessment of climate change, will continue its work, no matter whether countries arrive at a global climate deal n

Polar bears may face starvation and reproductive failure by the year 2100 due to heavy loss of Arctic sea ice, a new study has warned.

ISLAMABAD: Meteorologists worried at the depletion of glaciers in Pakistan studied six glaciers in the Karakorum Range recently, and the results have made them worry even more.
