LHASA - The Buddhist holy lake Namtso has lost its spot as Tibet's largest lake to Serling Tso, whose rapid expansion is fueled by melting glaciers and increased rain, according to new research.

Shifting winds are dragging warm water currents around the Antarctic coastline forcing ice to melt and sea levels to rise twice as faster than previously thought, according to new Australian resear

Sea levels may rise much faster than predicted because climate models have failed to account for the disruptive effects of stronger westerly winds, Australian-led research has found.

The Himalayan region contains some of the most dynamic, fragile and complex mountain ranges in the world. These magnificent mountain ranges play an important role in global atmospheric circulation, the hydrological cycle, and water resources availability, provide a wide range of ecosystem services, and are a source of many hazards.

Thwaites Glacier is one of the West Antarctica's most prominent, rapidly evolving, and potentially unstable contributors to global sea level rise. Uncertainty in the amount and spatial pattern of geothermal flux and melting beneath this glacier is a major limitation in predicting its future behavior and sea level contribution. In this paper, a combination of radar sounding and subglacial water routing is used to show that large areas at the base of Thwaites Glacier are actively melting in response to geothermal flux consistent with rift-associated magma migration and volcanism.

Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau – the source of rivers such as the Brahmaputra – have shrunk by as much as 15 per cent, retreating by 8,000 square kilometres since 1980, according to a new Chinese

PAKISTAN is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.

China and Britain agreed on Tuesday to deepen their cooperation in fighting climate change during a visit by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to the European country.

With the summer heat melting the glaciers faster, the rising levels of Bhagirathi river have raised the level of anxiety being experienced by those living along the banks of this river in the Uttar

Anomalies in weather pattern during the last decade in the Himalayan region have now become a point of discussion among scientists and academicians.
