The US Senate has refused to ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, possibly under the influence of the od-automobile industry. But a majority of US citizens favour

Forests of Europe soak up as much as 280 million tonnes of carbon on annually

Household garbage produces large quantities of methane which leaks into the atmosphere and contributes to the greenhouse effect. A Swedish company has come up with an innovative method to tap methane from garbage dumps and use it for heating purp

BEAVERS, known for their ingenuity at damming small streams using branches, are unwittingly contributing to global warming (New Scientist, Vol 142, No 1931). Beaver ponds flood low-lying areas

Fresh evidence suggests that the presence of certain metals is essential for the natural production of methane

METHANE, a key greenhouse gas that has been growing alarmingly in the atmosphere, suddenly stopped in its track beginning 1992. Although previous studies had shown that the rate of methane increase

Newly flooded reservoirs, which store water for hydroelectric plants, sometimes generate large amounts of greenhouse gases, comparable to those produced by thermal power plants.

SCIENTISTS say the increase in the atmospheric concentration of methane -- a major greenhouse gas -- is fast levelling off (New Scientist, Vol 140, No 1991). Evidence of a halt in methane rise

Variations in solar radiations contribute little to global warming and researchers say efforts to check the phenomenon must focus on greenhouse gases.

THOUGH a great deal of fuss has been raised in scientific circles over methane production by rice paddies and cattle in the developing world, which is likely to heat up the earth, the atmospheric
