This study comprehensively summarises the current status of transport biofuels and related technologies in the Australian context, to provide input to formulation of government policy development and to assist in guiding future research priorities.

Loose regulation, now blamed for ills ranging from the US financial crisis to imports of tainted Chinese goods, is drawing increasing fire from opponents of the Bush administration's environment program.

In the final months of President George W. Bush's two terms in office, criticism about the use of regulation instead of legislation to craft environmental policy has grown louder.

Energy efficiency (EE) is a proven and cost-effective measure to address rapidly increasing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This report identifies, analyzes, categorizes, and describes the main elements of institutional models and practices that have proved effective in promoting EE investments, particularly in the end-use (industry, buildings, residential) consuming sectors.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall said Friday that his province, which has been riding a commodity-driven boom, should not be saddled with new environmental taxes as prices for oil and grain fall from their highs of a few months ago.

California's landmark legislation to cut carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 will help the state's economy in the long run, according to a report issued Wednesday by the state agency charg

The Australian government would be open to negotiations with big business over plans for carbon trading, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Wednesday, after industry complaints about government proposals.

But Rudd warned business that carbon trading, needed to help Australia cut its greenhouse gas emissions, could not be done without some cost on industry.
"It will never happen cost free. It is not a cost-free business," Rudd told the National Press Club on Wednesday.

Exelon, the electric company based in Chicago, will promise on Tuesday to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 by an amount larger than its total emissions in 2008, in a bid to shape the debate on carbon dioxide rules and to get a jump on compliance.

In a world of rapidly rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and growing unease about imported oil, the appeal of renewable fuels is growing apace. Biofuels

A government white paper issued Tuesday calls on households to save energy as a means of cutting greenhouse gas emissions. According to the paper, the ratio of carbon dioxide emissions in Japan from the household sector compared with overall emissions of such global warming gases is lower than in the United States and Europe. However, household energy consumption in Japan surged 44 percent in 2005 from 1990, the white paper on the environment and recycling says.

The role envisioned for liquid biofuels for transport has come under increased scrutiny in the past year or two, due to the potential social and environmental impacts associated with scaling up biofuels production and use from its low level
