Ground Water Year Book is prepared annually by CGWB depicting changes in ground water regime of the country through different seasons. It is an effort to obtain information on ground water levels through representative sampling. The important attributes of ground water regime monitoring are ground water level.

Thiruvananthapuram: Struggling for water in the peaking summer, city residents have been increasingly turning to ground water.

The Telangana State, where groundwater availability has always been a challenge, has not seen a worse situation in terms of water levels as early as March, during the past one decade.

Expert for tough measures to save water.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Laxmi Suiting & Others Vs. State of Rajasthan & Others dated 01/04/2016 regarding unlawful extraction of groundwater by industries in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

A Team of CGWA (Central Ground Water Authority) shall visit Jodhpur and submit a comprehensive report as to which area, if any, where extraction of water would be necessary for maintaining hygiene and environment as well as the life of the people in Jodhpur and which parts of Jodhpur are critical or no extraction of ground water should be permitted.

Accurate estimation of the groundwater budget requires good estimate of flux across the boundary of a region. Different methods and techniques are available to estimate recharge to groundwater; however methods for estimation of flux across boundaries are not available. The present article represents a GISbased methodology to estimate the groundwater flow rate and volume of water flux across the boundary. Groundwater level data (pre-monsoon and postmonsoon) are used to derive detailed maps like flow direction, hydraulic gradient and velocity component perpendicular to the boundary.

BEIJING - Beijing has seen slower decline of underground water level thanks to the south-to-north water diversion project, according to the municipal water authority.

Subsidence caused by groundwater pumping in the Central Valley has been a problem for decades. Over the last few years, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) has been used from satellites and aircraft to produce maps of subsidence with sensitivity of fractions of an inch.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Legal Aid, National Green Tribunal Bar Association Vs. NCT of Delhi & Ors. And Raj Hans Bansal Vs. Ministry of Water Resources & Ors. dated 27/07/2015 regarding illegal tapping of groundwater, NCT, Delhi.

The study highlights the climatic water balance, drought assessment and agricultural potentiality of Uppar Odai sub-basin located in the Southern part of India, Tamil Nadu state. The average annual precipitation in the sub-basin is 625 mm, which is much lower than the state average rainfall (970 mm). It has been observed that the intensive agricultural practices and extensive groundwater mining lead to the groundwater decline in the sub-basin. Rainfall data were collected from 1971-2011 for five rain gauge stations.
