Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Legal Aid, National Green Tribunal Bar Association Vs. NCT of Delhi & Ors. And Raj Hans Bansal Vs. Ministry of Water Resources & Ors. dated 27/07/2015 regarding illegal tapping of groundwater, NCT, Delhi.

The study highlights the climatic water balance, drought assessment and agricultural potentiality of Uppar Odai sub-basin located in the Southern part of India, Tamil Nadu state. The average annual precipitation in the sub-basin is 625 mm, which is much lower than the state average rainfall (970 mm). It has been observed that the intensive agricultural practices and extensive groundwater mining lead to the groundwater decline in the sub-basin. Rainfall data were collected from 1971-2011 for five rain gauge stations.

Acute shortage of water supply for domestic and irrigation purposes in hard rock area is accentuated by occurrence of groundwater in limited quantity within sparsely distributed aquifers characterised with secondary porosity of finite areal extent. Tawarja river basin is in drought prone Latur district of India falling in basaltic Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). which occupies half a million square km area.

Data from 11 000 public supply wells in 87 study areas were used to assess the quality of nearly all of the groundwater used for public supply in California. Two metrics were developed for quantifying groundwater quality: area with high concentrations (km2 or proportion) and equivalent-population relying upon groundwater with high concentrations (number of people or proportion).

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Multivariate statistical techniques, cluster and principal component analysis were applied to the data on groundwater quality of Suri I and II Blocks of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India, to extract principal factors corresponding to the different sources of variation in the hydrochemistry as well as the main controls on the hydrochemistry.

About one third of Earth's largest groundwater reserves are being rapidly depleted by human consumption, according to a new study led by the University of California, Irvine.

Groundwater is a finite resource under continuous external pressures. Current unsustainable groundwater use threatens the resilience of aquifer systems and their ability to provide a long-term water source. Groundwater storage is considered to be a factor of groundwater resilience, although the extent to which resilience can be maintained has yet to be explored in depth. In this study, we assess the limit of groundwater resilience in the world's largest groundwater systems with remote sensing observations.

In the absence of adequate canal water for irrigation, farmers are forced to use tube wells resulting in a steep fall in the water table in the district.

The present study on geochemical evolution of groundwater is taken up to assess the controlling processes of water chemistry in the Western Delta region of the River
Godavari (Andhra Pradesh), which is one of the major rice producing centers in India. The study region is underlain by coarse sand with black clay (buried channels), black silty clay of recent origin (floodplain) and gray/white fine sand of modern beach sediment of marine source (coastal zone), including brown silty clay with fine sand (paleo-beach .ridges). Groundwater is mostly brackish and very hard

This paper looks at the crucial issue of dry-season groundwater-availability in the state of Maharashtra, India. We look at the two key hydro-climatological measurements which are used to implement groundwater policy in the state, viz., water levels in 5000+ observation wells across the state and aggregate rainfall data. We see that there is substantial variation in groundwater levels within and across the years in most wells. We argue that for a large number of these observation well locations, aggregate
