Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikrant Kumar Tongad Vs. Union of India & Others dated 26/07/2018 regarding regulation of drawing of underground water as also the steps for recharge of the ground water. The Applicant alleges unauthorized exploitation of underground water for construction purposes by the developers or drawing of such water for commercial purposes such as sale of packaged drinking water by certain entities.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 11/07/2018 regarding over-exploitation of Delhi ground water. The report submitted by the Central Ground Water Board in May 2018 indicates that there is over-exploitation of ground water in large parts of Delhi and a major part of Delhi is over-exploited and falling in semi-critical category. In such areas, the water levels are showing persistent declining trend during the last two decades.

NEW DELHI: The capital, already facing a severe drinking water shortage, is heading towards a more serious situation as the level of groundwater, continuously depleting in the last two decades, has

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 08/05/2018 regarding unauthorised constructions in Delhi and its effect on groundwater. Central Ground Water Board has filed a report on the status of ground water which shows that in areas categorized as over exploited (as per Ground Water Resources Estimation of 2013) from May 200 to May 2017 water level declined rate varied from 0.5 m/year to more than 2 m/year at places.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 24/04/2018 regarding Delhi sealing drive. Officiating Chairman of the Central Ground Water Board K.C. Naik has been requested to inform the Court the status of ground water level in 20 points in Delhi from the year 2000 onwards every five years including for the year 2017/2018 to understand whether there has been a depletion of ground water and in which area and to what extent.

The present and future groundwater availability and exploitation were evaluated for an intermountain basin (Kohat Sub basin) of Northwest Himalayan Fold & thrust belt Pakistan by developing a 3D numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater models attempt to represent an actual groundwater system with a mathematical counterpart. The conventional groundwater flow modeling procedure was followed to characterize complex hydrogeological system and predict future of fresh water resources in response to pumping and potential withdrawal.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikrant Kumar Tongad Vs. Union of India & Others dated 04/12/2017 regarding extraction of groundwater by constructions projects in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. CGWA in the report submitted before the Tribunal states that the information about the quantity of water extraction by those who have extracted from the borewell period wise is difficult.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Legal Aid, National Green Tribunal Bar Association Vs. NCT of Delhi & Others dated 30/11/2017 regarding state of groundwater in Delhi. The CEO, Delhi Jal Board, Managing Director, DSIIDC and the concerned Secretary of NCT Delhi shall hold a meeting and inform the Tribunal as to clear stand of these authorities collectively with regard to extraction of groundwater in highly exploited areas with reference to Notification dated 10th July, 2010 and regulations thereof and the alternatives that have to be provided.

The construction of new dams and increased exploitation of groundwater are priority projects to sustain potable water in the Seychelles.

Ground Water Year Book is prepared annually by CGWB depicting changes in ground water regime of the country through different seasons. It is an effort to obtain information on ground water levels through representative monitoring wells. The important attributes of ground water regime monitoring are ground water level.
