Students involved in green drive that was launched in Mysore on Monday. In a bid to improve the green cover in the new and upcoming layouts and recharge the ground water, the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) on Monday launched the green drive. District In-charge Minister S A Ramdas inaugurated the drive planting a sapling at Lalithadrinagar here.

It can't be any more ironical. Punjab, a state which boasts of an economy that is mostly based on agriculture, may soon turn arid.

Andhra Pradesh has experienced a well explosion. In the last three decades, the number of wells in the state has gone up by four times — from eight lakh to 24 lakh. And, hold your breath, the well population in AP is increasing at the rate of 50,000 a year! What’s really worrying is that scientific steps are not being taken to ensure that the quantity of water drawn from the ground is replenished by rainwater.

The CAG’s report on the CWG that is likely to be tabled in Parliament on Friday, has blamed the DDA for not abiding with the conditions set forth by the ministry of environment and forest (MoEF) be

The government will amend the Building Construction Rules 2008 to incorporate the system of rainwater harvesting, making it mandatory for all new houses in Dhaka Metropolitan area.

GANDHINAGAR: Despite huge claims of rise in water tables across Gujarat and simultaneous improvement in groundwater levels because of tens of thousands of watershed projects, checkdams, village ponds and other recharge structures, an authoritative report suggests there is, if at all, marginal improvement. In fact, even in North Gujarat, where Sujalam Sufalam recharge canal runs across 360-km, water tables appear to have gone down. Also, the quality of water in this region has deteriorated.

A bill to regulate the development and management of ground water and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This Act may be called the Orissa Ground Water (Regulation, Development and Management) Act, 2011.

This monsoon, top hotels such as The Leela, Taj and ITC Maratha are using their roof-tops for a different purpose – for rain-water harvesting.

The district administration has urged beneficiaries of the Scheme for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater through dug wells in the district to establish rain water harvesting structures near their w

Construction of all rainwater harvesting structures should be completed by September-end, said Collector K.
