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a writ petition has been filed in Nepal's Supreme Court against the ratification of the controversial Mahakali treaty which was approved by the joint session of the Nepalese Parliament in

if predictions of a recent study are to be believed, India is facing widespread famine. According to the report, In the Famine Trap, overpopulation, degradation of arable land and India's

For the first time, scientists beheld the unusual phenomenon of the birth of an island from an undersea volcano in the Pacific ocean off Hawaii

• India achieved another milestone

Geologists in the US have discovered that earthquakes can also occur slowly causing minimal damage

the recent tirade launched by inter

The role of marine life in mitigating global warming takes a knocking as new findings link carbon on the ocean floor to forest fires

a recent study has revealed that iodine-deficiency is widespread in the country. It stalks not only the Himalayan region but also sub-Himalayan terai areas, riverine areas and even the coastal

People will soon be buying CD-

india recently took an important step towards preventing cruelty against animals when it banned the mandatory testing of cosmetics and toiletries on live animals. It became the first country in
