The informal economy in Africa is large and diverse, and it is the main source of employment in the region. It is projected to grow and create more jobs. The informal economy is well established in the region, but it also faces a host of development challenges.

Urbanization is happening differently today than in the past and occurring most rapidly in places with the fewest resources. Traditional approaches are not able to keep up, leaving billions of people with poor access to basic necessities, dragging down economies and damaging the environment.

The waste collection and material recycling activities in developing countries, including India, are majorly performed by the informal waste sector.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on July 8, 2021 has issued the Union Territory of Ladakh Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2021.

The purpose of this policy brief is to analyze the current situation in e-waste management in Asia and the Pacific and suggest appropriate policy options in the context of a specific set of challenges faced by the region.

The labor structure in sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by a high share of informal employment in the rural agricultural sector. The impact of COVID-19 on female employment may not appear to be large as the share of such employment is particularly high among women.

A strikingly large percentage of workers and firms operate outside the line of sight of governments in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs)—a challenge that is likely to hold back the recovery in these economies unless governments adopt a comprehensive set of policies to address the drawbacks of the informal sector, a new World Bank

The global pandemic has exposed the terrible legacy of deliberately divisive and destructive policies that have perpetuated inequality, discrimination and oppression and paved the way for the devastation wrought by COVID-19, Amnesty International said in its annual report.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having unequal impacts. Research has highlighted that across race, gender, age, and income groups, the health and economic consequences of this crisis are far from uniform and other preexisting inequalities have been exacerbated.

In recent years, African governments have made significant efforts to develop a range of contributory social protection schemes that cover workers in the informal economy.
