Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anil Kumar Singh Vs Chief Secretary, Government of Jharkhand & Others dated 15/10/2020.

The case related to mitigation of pollution of Harmu river at Ranchi, Jharkhand due to discharge of untreated sewage and wastewater.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ramchandra Mardi & Others Vs West Bengal Pollution Control Board & Others dated 01/10/2020.

Inspection Report of M/s Chandrapura Thermal Power Station (CTPS), Chandrapura, Jharkhand in Original Application 18/2020/EZ/ in the matter of Praveen Kumar Singh Vs Damodar Valley Corporation & Others.

Inspection report of M/s Chandrapura Thermal Power Station (CTPS), Chandrapura, Jharkhand in the matter of Original Application 18/2020/EZ (Praveen Kumar Singh Vs Damodar Valley Corporation & Others). In compliance with the NGT order, a team was constituted to assess the extent of oil leakage and assessment of environmental damage caused by the oil spill.

Report by HIL Limited in the matter of Kalyan Bansingh & Others Vs HIL Limited & Others dated 29/09/2020. HIL stated that the Department of Mines & Geology, Government of Jharkhand compliance report of August 9, 2020 had proceeded on an incorrect and baseless assumption that safety measures for restitution of the asbestos mines in Roro hills, Chaibasa, West Singhbum - to mitigate environmental and health impact were not taken.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Syed Arshad Nasar Vs Union of India & Others dated 23/09/2020.

The matter related to quarrying and crushing units in Rajmahal hills of the Vindhya mountains, district Sahebganj, Jharkhand.

Report of Committee appointed by the National Green Tribunal in Sanjay Chauhan Vs CCL & Others (Original Application 39/2020/EZ) vide order June 22, 2020.

The matter related to investigation into environmental violations by Central Coalfields Ltd in Piparwar open cast project (OCP).

The report examines practical options for subsidy targeting in India by using a survey of over 900 households to analyze the distribution of residential electricity subsidies in the state of Jharkhand. It also examines various strategies to improve subsidy distribution and to better target benefits to poor households.

Compliance report of National Green Tribunal order of January 07, 2020 by the state government of Jharkhand. The issue for consideration was the steps for restitution of the area which was earlier under the RORO asbestos mines, Chaibasa, West Singhbhum district. Lease for such mines was given in favour of Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Product Limited (HACPL). The mines stopped working in the year 1983. However, safety measures for restitution of the mines to mitigate adverse environmental and health impact in the area were not taken.

The “Jharkhand State Mineral Policy, 2020” was being formulated and under approval process that would facilitate systematic and sustainable mining and mineral activities within the threshold limit of forest and environment. This was stated in the compliance report filed by the Department of Mines and Geology Department, Government of Jharkhand.
