The market value is of central importance as the basis for determining the compensation paid to landowners who are forced to hand over land for public use. This is particularly the case in Sweden, where the market value is determined according to the Expropriation Act. It is against this background that this article discusses the following questions.

Compulsory acquisition (or "expropriation") is when a government uses it power to acquire private rights in land without the owner's or occupant's consent. The process is intended to benefit society and is frequently used to enhance social and economic development and to protect the natural environment.

Oil and gas production processes place huge demands on land resources, land administration and land management in different parts of the world. In Nigeria, the transportation of oil and gas, their by-products and refined products is conducted through complicated pipeline networks traversing thousands of kilometres and criss-crossing several communities in the Niger Delta region.

In the last year, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were a much discussed issue. Most of the discussion focused on two issues, viz. (a) the acquisition of land, rehabilitation, the consequences for farmers and agricultural output, and (b) the cost of the various tax benefits provided to developers of SEZs and the units to be located in them. While these are important issues, they address only the cost aspect of the equation. Taking another path, this paper tries to determine the expected benefits from SEZs and whether they are being achieved.

A total amount of Rs 12790 lacs have been sanctioned and disbursed which included compensation of land and property amounting Rs. 8255.64 lacs, special rehabilitation grant amounting Rs 1960.36 lacs and rehabilitation grant amounting Rs 2574 lacs.

A bill to provide for the rehabilitation and resettlement of persons affected by the acquisition of land for projects of public purpose or involuntary displacement due to any other reason, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This Act may be called the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2007.

M/s. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. (formerly known as "Vedanta Alumina Ltd.") has

Social impact assessment will be necessary for projects causing involuntary displacement of 400 families in plains and 200 families in hills Land will be acquired at market rate. If the

The objectives of the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy are: to minimise displacement and to promote,' as far as possible, non-displacing or least-displacing alternatives; to ensure adequate rehabilitation package and expeditious' implementation of the rehabilitation process with the active participation of the affected families; to ensure that special care is.

a primitive peasant rebellion is not quite in keeping with the modern India with its soaring Sensex, extravagant malls and industrious call centres. A ragtag militia of rabble-rousers mouthing Marx
