This report released by Toxics Link reveals that that toxic elements including mercury, lead, zinc, along with acids and chemicals are released during e-waste recycling and are contaminating soi

Ninety-two children in Central China's Hunan province have excessive levels of lead in their blood, following a lead poisoning scandal exposed last month, local authorities said Wednesday.

Bengal has more than 27 highly polluted areas, including one in the heart of the city.

Most reputed electronic and electrical equipment companies—both Indian and multinational have failed grossly in fulfilling their responsibilities under extended producer responsibility (EPR) as def

When Zhang Junwei’s uncle died in February 2012, he was only 50. In the three years that he had endured the cancer that killed him, surgeons had removed both his rectum and his bladder.

A government audit confirms many of the findings of USA TODAY's 2012 "Ghost Factories" investigation and faults the Environmental Protection Agency for lacking criteria and time limits to screen mo

The Modi government may revive the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulatory) Bill, which the UPA failed to pass in Parliament during its tenure, paving way for high-tech exploration in new bl

Design, Components Of Vehicles Not Tested, Amendment Provides Blanket Exemption

A chemical plant in central China's Hunan province was shut down on Sunday on suspicion of being linked to the lead poisoning of more than 300 local children, following a report on Saturday about b

A recent study conducted by the Lake Development Authority (LDA) in 15 prime lakes in Bangalore has revealed shocking details.
