Lead Content In CRT Sets Putting Waste Handlers At Risk
As LCDs and LEDs are fast replacing the old-fashioned cathode ray tube monitors, the capital is faced with a huge health risk.

Ban cigarette filters. Start a deposit-return scheme for used butts. Hold manufacturers responsible for clean-ups.

The exercise set to begin in June will be conducted in phases

The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), the Bangalore Traffic Police and the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India (NRCLPI) will conduct a study across the City to determine the level of lead in the blood of traffic police personnel.

Lead in turmeric; formalin in fruit; fatal food poisoning after eating watermelon.

Environmental health effects vary considerably with regard to their severity, type of disease, and duration. Integrated measures of population health, such as environmental burden of disease (EBD), are useful for setting priorities in environmental health policies and research. This review is a summary of the full Environmental Burden of Disease in European countries (EBoDE) project report.

The state Pollution Control Board is finally devising a strategy to deal with the situation in the state's industrial hub of Baddi-Barotiwala-Nalagarh (BBN).

As 60% of Sutana’s population is suffering from diseases due to fly ash generated from Panipat Thermal Power Station

Residents of Sutana, a village in Panipat, have participated enthusiastically in every Assembly and Parliamentary elections since Independence, but this time, they have decided to boycott the Lok Sabha elections slated for April 10.

It is difficult to discern the proportion of blood lead (PbB) attributable to ambient air lead (PbA) given the multitude of lead (Pb) sources and pathways of exposure. The PbB-PbA relationship has previously been evaluated across populations. This relationship was a central consideration in the 2008 review of the Pb national ambient air quality standards. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the relationship between PbB and PbA concentrations among children nationwide for recent years and to compare the relationship with those obtained from other studies in the literature.

Majority of paints analysed in seven Asian countries, including Nepal, contained astonishingly high lead content and did not meet the international regulatory standards, according to the Asian Regi

Spent CFLs may be polluting the environment silently and causing a toxic hazard for kabadiwalas who handle such discarded bulbs.

Despite a huge spike in the demand (about 30% in the last five years) for these energy-saving lamps, a recent survey by NGO Toxics Link has found a number of ecological concerns with the management of these lamps. One of them is that they are not recycled safely; the mercury-laden glass invariably ends up in the municipal solid waste. Also, there is no set standard in India on the amount of mercury that should be used in a bulb.
