Mice could be used to make a range of human proteins that are useful in fighting cancer and auto-immune diseases and infections (caused by the body's abnormal reaction to some of its own tissues

A new method of treating or preventing malaria has come to light with the discovery of the protein that makes the disease lethal. The parasite Plasmodium falciparum , that causes cerebral malaria,

A new study has revealed that some boxers are genetically predisposed to suffer brain damage due to blows taken on the head. The findings were presented at the World Boxing Council's

David Gems of University College, London, says that contrary to held belief, males are genetically programmed to live longer than female but the relentless pursuit of sex is behind the

Mutation in a gene can cause a change in sexual behaviour of fruitflies

DNA is found to be a conductor of electricity

Twenty years ago, evolutionary biologists transplanted small poplations of Anolis sagrei lizards from Staniel Cay in the Bahamas to several nearby islands, in the hope that the reptiles would go

Researchers in Israel say that the tendency to abuse heroin arises partly from one's genes. According to them, a handful of genes playa role in a wide variety of addictions and that there is a link

Researchers look into the possible benefits of producing identical offsprings

WITH drug-resistant microbes increasing by the day, researchers at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, are looking at frogs for developing powerful antibiotics. Tests have indicated
