India has a huge variety of grasses. But the wealth is being destroyed

Overgrazing is just the tip of the iceberg.The real culprit is mismanagement

India may be the largest producer of milk in the world, but at an incredible cost. In achieving this distinction, the country s vast cattle population has been allowed to mow down its verdant grasslands. Development projects like the colossal Indira Gandh

Imagine how irritating it must be for the cows, to be milked when

For the first time, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs intended to help behavioural problems in pets. Clomipramine can now be used to treat canines suffering from

Belgian park exported to the UK could contain traces of banned drugs used to tranquillise pigs on their way to the battoir. The chemicals could be placing UK consumers at risk claims a division of

The bureaucracy does nothing to conserve India's invaluable animals and plants. But it knows how to cry wolf when private agencies want to use these

So you always wanted to talk to your pet dog, but did not know how. Cheer up for now there is a way. Experts say some animals prick up their ears to get messages across. Taking a cue from them,

Beware of the dog, particularly if it is a puppy. Never mind how cute it might be for it could make you seriously ill. That is the message of caution from Clement Ng and his team at the Milwaukee

Is it the hand of God, or the soiled hand of man? The buck is being passed even as flames stretching hundreds and hundreds of kilometres threaten lives, livestock and forests the world over, from Brazil to Indonesia. El Ni o is frequently blamed, but
