Poor food intake by pregnant women can damage the immune system of the child

Women can help prevent deterioration of their child's intelligence in later years by avoiding toxins and leading a healthy life during pregnancy. The environment of the womb plays a crucial role in

Until now pregnant women were under the misconception that if they had morning sickness, they were less prone to a miscarriage. Kathleen O'Conner of Pennsylvania State University, University Park,

Medical specialists from 75 countries of the world gathered recently, in the city of Marrakesh to participate in the first world congress on maternal mortality with a view to mitigate the phenomenon.

A protein produced by pregnant women is found useful in preventing the development of skin tumours

Pregnant women often complain of lack of concentration and poor memory. Scientists now offer an interesting explanation for this phenomenon; that a woman's brain size shrinks during late pregnancy

Sri Lanka's minister of public adminis

Thought to be lifestyle related till now, heart diseases might have their origins in the womb

What if the nurturer herself turns into a polluter? Smoking and / or drinking mothers poison the foetus. Alcohol consumers expose the foetus to alcohol syndrome, which engenders congenital

During pregnancy, women lose part of their defences against malaria, thus becoming more susceptible to the disease, but researchers have now found a solution to the problem
