PANJIM: The head of government’s opinion that the food is sub-standard and not fit to even feed animals and the leader of opposition’s statement that students refuse to eat the meals and nearly 60 to 70 per cent of the food is thrown out, is serious rebuke to highlight the abysmal quality of food supplied to children under the midday meals scheme in Goa.

Rancid food, lizards and foreign objects in meals which have regularly dogged the scheme intended to keep children in school, is evidence of a good scheme gone horribly wrong to the extent that students may now stay out of school, just to avoid the revolting food served to them.

Bangalore: There’s piping hot bisi bele bath on their plates, garnished with khara boondi, and the children are relishing their meal — a scene to warm hearts.

Forty-seven students of a government primary school at Brahmanvasi village in Gujarat were allegedly beaten up by their teacher for raising their voice against the delay in getting mid-day meals, the police said on Sunday.

The incident came to light on Saturday after Jayantibhai Somabhai, the guardian of one student, lodged a complaint against teacher Bela Patel. Ms. Patel has been removed following a hue and cry over the incident. District Development Officer Rakesh Shankar asked the District Education Officer to submit a report on the incident.

With both the state government not releasing funds in time, the staff managing the mid-day meal scheme in various schools of Punjab has been finding it hard to keep the initiative going, find The T

Report on three voluntary organisations submitted, but none finalised

The East Corporation will feed 16,000 more mouths through its school meal programme this academic year and is in the process of finalising voluntary organisations to supply cooked food. All the schools are scheduled to reopen after the summer break from Monday. The mid-day meal will be provided to 1,48,000 children in Shahdara (North) and 95,000 children in Shahdara (South) zones. The scheme would reach out to students studying in Municipal Corporation of Delhi schools and government aided schools.

KOLKATA, 19 JUNE: Children at the anganwadi centres will no longer have to satisfy themselves with khichdi and half an egg in their meals daily.

KLEW: A serious irregularity has been unearthed over the implementation of the mid-day meal scheme in the Unitarian Lower Primary School in Upper Klew village in Ri-Bhoi district.

Students of the school are not getting their mid-day meal even though official records claim that mid-day meals are being provided to the students on a regular basis.

Mumbai: The BMC has floated a Rs 121 crore proposal to buy flavoured milk for civic schools.

With some States defaulting on payment of their share of funds for providing meals to children in government schools, adversely affecting the implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the Centre has now asked all States to consider adopting Andhra Pradesh's model ‘Green Channel Scheme.' The A.P. model makes funds available throughout the year.

A probe by the Karnataka Lokayukta into the supply of food to the Integrated Child Development Services has found that Department of Women and Child Development officials in connivance with the con
