The question is whom to manage and what to regulate An official of the environment ministry said that the new notification is better because it is site specific.

Most coastal states, except Orissa, against the notification; environment ministry will take a call in June 2009 The ball is now in the environment ministry

Key differences between CMZ and CRZ View image Genesis and features of CMZ vis-a-vis the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 1991 Key features Coastal areas categorized as

The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests formed a 13-member committee headed by M S Swaminathan (see Interview) to review the Coastal Regulation Zone. In its report, the committee noted that

M S Swaminathan, chairperson of the expert committee to review and make recommendations with regard to implementation of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991, spoke to Down To Earth on the guiding principles of the committee

When it was introduced in 1991, Coastal Regulation Zone was a blanket notification to protect India

The Union forest ministry has given environmental clearance to the proposed expansion plans of Usha Martin Limited

Starting with the granddaddy of them all, Project Tiger in 1973, to the more recent vehicular pollution norms and the coming up of sustainable architecture, a green agenda has been part of governance much before it became a globally cool movement.

Pre-empting the annual National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) meeting, slated to be held soon, 11 independent NBWL members met Ministry of Environment and Forests officials on Monday and demanded a separate wildlife cadre, dedicated to wildlife management.

