Olive Ridley protection may finally get a place in the State Budget. The High Power Committee, headed by Chief Secretary Ajit Tripathy, on Saturday decided on creation of a budget head for streamlining conservation. Piecemeal assistance will be a thing of the past.

An ITTO-sponsored workshop starts a process aimed at improving India

Parliamentary report calls for saving the Central pollution control body It

Traffic through Nagarhole View image Karnataka

Set up environment courts for quick and effective justice Polluting MNCs be checked upon Reduce the number of Board members (not the technical staff) for quick decision making process One CPCB zonal office be established in each state Increase number of air monitoring stations from 332 to 1,000 Common effluent treatment plants be constructed

New studies, committees and a tag of national river. Will it help? the government has decided to declare the Ganga a national river, following campaigns from several quarters to preserve its cultural and religious significance. A High Powered Ganga River Basin Authority, to be chaired by the prime minister, will be set up as an empowered planning, implementing and monitoring

With the Union Ministry for Environment and Forests refusing clearance to the 750-MW Parbati-I project, the three-stage 2,051-MW project will have only two stages with total installed capacity limited to 1,320 MW.


The ministry of environment & forests (MoEF) has turned down ministry of mines

The Ministry of Environment and Forests today announced the takeover of Satkosia Wildlife Sanctuary under Project Tiger Programme. Along with seven other protected forest areas, Satkosia has been brought into the fold of Project Tiger as was decided earlier.
