Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Narinder Kr. Shukla & Ors. Vs. Sh. Jagdish Saphiya & Ors. dated 23/07/2015 regarding excavation of stones and pebbles and such other minor minerals from the river bed of river Beas especially where a small rivulet called Khad Bhariva meets river Beas, Himachal Pradesh.

Illegal stone quarrying continues unabated in Sundargarh district posing environmental hazards and causing loss to the State exchequer.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Tiger Protection Group Vs. U.O.I. & Ors. dated 03/07/2015 regarding direction to regulate the sand mining, stone quarrying and agricultural as well as fishing activity in the National Chambal Sanctuary which according to the Applicant has an effect on the environment generally in the Sanctuary and particularly on the fauna including endangered species therein.

These rules may be called the Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. In these rules, Act means the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957).

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of U.M. Shamsudheen Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 22/06/2015 regarding mining of minor minerals in Oarakam village in Thirurangadi Taluk in Mallappuram District, State of Kerala.

Order of the Kolkata High Court in the matter of Sri Saran Singh vs Union Of India & Ors dated 09/06/2015 regarding the constitutional validity of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Minor Minerals Rules, 2012.

KOLHAPUR: Illegal and unplanned sand excavation in Sangli district has made a devastating impact on the natural habitat of crocodiles along the Krishna river.

A tractor which was set afire by pro-quarrying supporters near Sati Kund, Kankhal, in Haridwar on Tuesday. A Tribune Photo

PUNE: The National Green Tribunal bench in Pune has restrained two developers from constructing a resort-cum-hotel on a hill top at Lonavla for causing environmental degradation and also endangerin

These rules may be called The Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2015. They shall extend to the whole of the State of Rajasthan including the areas in which Bapi and proprietary rights are claimed. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Rajasthan Gazette.
