In 1994, the Nagaland government asked the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ongc) to shut shop in the state. Pressure from local people and militant groups had a big role in the decision. The

Pungthing Shimrang, a senior member of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Issac Muviah), tells Down To Earth

On resumption of oil exploration
We have not agreed on that. We can't allow mineral resources of the state to be extracted by outsiders.

On environmental damages

The North Eastern Region of India has a total geographical area of 26.23 million hectares with a population of 39.08 million. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. Crop production in this region is carried out under diverse slopes and altitudes having different agro-climatic conditions.

"It is a great moment for me to come to Nagaland today with a purpose and a mission to revive in dealing with the Nagaland Paper & Pulp Company (NPPC) and to physically see and to get the first hand

The river Bharalu and Kolong are among the 71 most polluted stretch of river in the country, according to a study by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

Nagaland Governor K Sankaranarayanan inaugurated the second phase of pulse polio at Naga Hospital Kohima Nagaland recently, stated a press release. The simple yet significant event for concern to eradicate polio was also graced by SK Tripathy Advisor to the Governor, Lalhuma Chief Secretary Nagaland Principal Director of Health Services, senior doctors, nurses and was chaired by Menukhol John Commissioner & Secretary Department of Health. The Governor said that pulse polio programme was launched to ensure total eradication of polio from the world with sustained efforts. The Governor pointed out that immunization has saved 20 million lives in the last two decades from the six major vaccine preventable diseases of pertussis, childhood tuberculosis, tetanus, polio, measles and diphtheria. The Governor expressed the need to ensure cent per cent coverage to all the children in immunization against these six diseases. The official report said that during this second phase of pulse polio immunization all over Nagaland the department has set up 2011 pulse polio booths to immunized the children and around Kohima town 31 polio booths has been set up.

For long, Hevelie Shohe and her family have been growing upland paddy on their traditional 'jhum' land on the hills of this Sema Naga village of Nagaland, but have had little to save. This autumn, the 45 year old farmer is busy taking care of the jatropha saplings she planted on one hectare of 'jhum' land. She hopes to double her income when they mature and their seeds sold for extraction of green fuel. Dec 2007

In a degraded secondary tropical forest along a traditional elephant route of Mokokchung District, a total of 157 flowering plants were enumerated distributed in 66 families. Although the forest had undergone various degrees of degradation, remnant of different growth forms was found in the component species. Presence of 113 plants used by the locals for various purposes such as timber, medicinal, ornamental, scientific, ethno botanical values including wild vegetables and wild fruits popularly consumed locally indicate high biodiversity valuation. (Sep 2007)

How does a country of over a billion people take on the challenge of providing a better life to its citizens?

nagaland's forest department has undertaken a new scheme to increase the state's forest cover. Under the programme, forest officials are to gift villagers gas stoves and liquified petroleum gas (lpg)
