HYDERABAD: After designing and commissioning several low-cost groundwater defluoridation plants in flurosis -affected villages of Andhra Pradesh, the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology is now

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation is funding a pilot project to enable the state’s farmers to reverse the environmental degradation and rural poverty in the state by applying scientific methods to groundwater management.

Baseline studies jointly conducted by the FAO, Centre and state government have identified seven districts in Andhra Pradesh to effectively implement the best practices in sustainable cropping patterns to combat climate change.

With Lambapur-Peddagattu uranium mines in Nalgonda district next in line for excavation, nuclear physicists from Osmania University, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and Chaitanya Bharati Institute of

The Tummalapalle uranium mine located in YSR district of Andhra Pradesh would be commissioned by early April.

The Andhra Pradesh Government plans to further streamline the sand mining process in the State to ensure there is no pilferage.

A study was carried out in village Mohamadabad, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh to demonstrate the potential of high-resolution remote sensing data in generating soil resource database at village level that would facilitate natural resource developmental planning. For this study, detail soil resource database was generated by interpreting IRS Resourcesat-1 LISS-IV + Cartosat-1 merged data and by undertaking soil survey and soil analysis.

The 12th five year plan will address the farmers concern regarding UPA’s flagship job guarantee programme Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).


The detailed project report (DPR) for the Krishna phase-III project that will bring an additional 90 million gallons of water per day to the city has been submitted to the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Board by the Tata Consultancy Engineers Limited, Mumbai.

Fluoride in drinking water in Nalgonda district is no longer news. It’s been a problem for ages. What is news is the presence of uranium in the water far beyond maximum permissible levels as prescribed by international agencies.
