Ongwediva — In the quest to increase sanitation coverage and accessibility to proper toilets in the country, five more villages are awaiting to be verified and certified as Open Defecation Free (OD

Windhoek — The debilitating droughts of the past four years may be over, but the latest Vulnerability Assessment Committee Results show that the number of people facing food shortage is around 214,

The City of Windhoek has revealed plans to improve water collection efficiency through the construction of a N$1,1 billion water reclamation plant as a redress for its reliance on NamWater.

THE introduction of a pollution levy payable by companies operating in Namibia's coastal waters are among the priorities of the newly established National Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (NMPCP)

FEWER cases of poaching have been recorded across the country so far this year, announced environment minister Pohamba Shifeta in Windhoek yesterday.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry has warned of a possible outbreak of fall army worm in southern Africa during the 2017/18 crop season.

Ivory seizures around the world hit record levels last year, with elephant poaching in Africa declining for a fifth year in a row, a report says.

THE prevalence of undernourishment in Namibia was last measured at 37% in 2016, while 24% of children under the age of five are stunted.

WINDHOEK (Reuters) - Namibia recorded fewer cases of rhino and elephant poaching this year compared to recent years, the southern African nation’s minister of environment and tourism said on Monday

THE prevalence of undernourishment in Namibia was last measured at 37% in 2016, while 24% of children under the age of five are stunted.
