62 species belonging to 43 genera representing five families of the order Lepidoptera were recorded from Sunabeda Wildlife Sanctuary, Orissa.

BHUBANESWAR: Over a million people in at least 19 districts of Orissa have been hit by flood in the Mahanadi river systems which, with increased volume of water reaching the deltaic head of the Sta

A report from a sample survey of the functioning of the public distribution system in 12 villages in two districts in Orissa, a state usually associated with a poor PDS. While there are errors in exclusion and inclusion of households covered, there has been a vast improvement in operation of the PDS; below the poverty line households seem to be receiving their entitlements. The households also express a strong preference for distribution of grain over cash.

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government on Monday geared up its machinery to tackle drought-like situation in more than 30 blocks in eight districts.

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has set 2013 deadline for completing the drinking water projects in the four fluoride-hit districts.

A severe drought looms large over many parts of Orissa due to inadequate rainfall this season. Most of the districts have received half the normal rainfall. According to revenue department sources, Nuapada district in western Orissa has received 56 per cent rainfall while Boudh and Malkangiri recorded 63 and 61 per cent,

BHUBANESWAR: The Government has set an ambitious target to improve the condition of 10 lakh hectares of agricultural land through watershed management programmes for sustainable livelihood in rainfed areas. The target will be achieved in next five years.

The Government claimed to have taken drought-proofing measures over an area of 9.17 lakh hectares.

The Naveen Patnaik Government has made a major course correction in its populist scheme. The rice Rs.

The Kalahandi Bolangir Koraput (KBK) region of western Odisha is home to people who are among the poorest in India. The local environment can be difficult to live in as rainfall is irregular leading to intermittent crop failures, and there is often a shortage of safe drinking water. The health and education status of the people is very poor, and hence, they are highly vulnerable to shocks.

Cholera, diar rhoea and other waterborne diseases in Orissa
