Purchased energy and energy-related capital investments represent major production costs in the Pulp and Paper industry. The paper aims in bringing out the stages of improvement in the energy scenario at SPB (Seshasayee Paper & Boards Ltd.).

The new CSE study of the six most emissions intensive sectors to determine India

March 29: World Bank representatives Mr Taki and Mr Pal Rayeem, the additional principal chief conservator of forest, Mr Ramesh Kalakatti, and the Kurnool chief conservator of forest Mr.

State now produces a quarter of the country's pulp yield.

This initiative has helped create green cover for carbon sequestration, ground water recharge, regeneration of biomass and in nurturing of depleted soils.

V Rishi Kumar

The Indian paper industry on Tuesday failed to get any relief from the Delhi High Court over the Government

According to many climate scientists, global mean temperatures can only be stabilized at 2.4

The Assam Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) Limited today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kohinoor Pulp and Paper Private Limited, Kolkata for a mega project in the State.

The new CSE study of the six most emissions intensive sectors to determine India

With GDP growth for India projected to be 7%-9% annually for the next several years, the demand for growth in every sector including the Indian pulp and paper is inevitable. However, with ever increasing demand on pollution control, the paper industry in India has been looking to grow within the bounds on environmental compliance.

The pulp and paper industry is water intensive among major chemical process industries. Water is the medium where all the pulp and paper making process are carried out and used as vehicle to transport the pulp in the mills from one unit operations to another. A major fraction of water used becomes contaminated during various processes.
