VIEW FINDER NOT A USUAL EXERCISE Soldiers smell the ground to detect bodies of flash flood victims in Taiwan after Typhoon Morakot battered the island"s southern region in the second week of August. The typhoon, which Met officials call the deadliest in 50 years, also triggered mudslides; one such mudslide

Asia Pulp and Paper, one of the largest paper producers in Asia, said on Thursday it has no immediate plans to expand its two Indonesian pulp mills and would only do so if it secured sustainably produced timber.

Lantana camara Linn. is a noxious weed posing a serious threat to the ecology. It demands concrete efforts for its management. L. camara was evaluated for its pulp and paper making properties. Data on chemical constituents, fibre dimensions, unbleached, bleached yield and physical strength properties of pulp sheets were obtained.

A raw material faster to source.
Eco issue
Owing to environmental concerns, large paper manufacturers are bound to look at waste paper as a supplement, say industry sources

R. Balaji

Chennai, July 17 Large paper mills that have depended on virgin raw material will increasingly look at recycling paper to increase raw material availability, say industry experts.

Controversial regulatory reforms in the environment sector found their way into the Economic Survey too. The report recommended that housing and real estate sector be taken out of the purview of the central environmental clearances regime.

The paper mill has commissioned its captive power plant and is selling 5 MW to AP Transco at Rs 4.50 a unit.

Ch. R.S. Sarma

Rajahmundry, July 1 Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills here is going in for capacity expansion and the project is likely to be completed by January, said Mr P.K. Suri, Director (Operations).

Paper industry requires large amounts of energy in the form of heat. The energy requirement is met with captive and national grid power. Substantial portion of the energy requirement is met through the generation from the fossil fuels.The industry is also offering tremendous potential to save energy and such savings are CDM opportunities.

In order to reduce the bleaching cost and problem of organochlorine compound during bleaching of pulp, it has become necessary to reduce the use of chlorine dioxide in existing bleaching sequence without affecting the pulp quality. This study examines the effect of higher dosage of hydrogen peroxide in oxidative extraction (Eop) stage of four stage C/DEopD,D2 bleaching sequence.

This paper states the basic concept of Carbon Trading and methodologies. It describes the first step to start with and up to trading the carbon credits in the carbon market. It also reviews the present scenario of generating carbon credits through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and trading in the market.
