Hoshiarpur : Endorsing Punjab

GURDASPUR: Ghaniya Ke Bet village, according to the Punjab Government

The Punjab Water Council (PWC) in an emergency meeting here on Thursday strongly opposed the recent moves for changes in the existing distribution system of water and said that 1991 Water Accord for distribution of water among the four provinces is linked with the construction Kala Bagh dam. "If there is no Kalabagh dam, then we should forget about the 1991 Water Accord."

Dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihoods, cultures and spiritual existence of indigenous, tribal and illiterate people, moreover on the physical environmental conditions and on the biodiversity of the area concerned. The dam related developmental activities in Ravi catchment area have been threatening the biodiversity in the whole catchment.

Rajasthan owes Punjab billions of rupees for the water it has been receiving through Rajasthan canal for more than 40 years now.

The results of trend analyses of the discharge data of four rivers in northwestern Himalaya, namely Beas, Chenab, Ravi and Satluj, are presented here and the impact of climate change in the last century is discussed. In the case of Satluj river, studies indicate an episodic variation in discharge in all three seasons on a longer timescale of about 82 years (1922

Residents blame district administration for laxity in preparing for the monsoon

2001: THE old man shuffled his feet, acutely embarrassed. No matter which part of India you're in, the first thing you do is offer your guests a glass of water. And this was one part of Nallamada in Andhra Pradesh blessed with that element. Things had changed, though. "Please don't drink it," he said, finally. "See how it is?" he asked, showing us a tumbler.

This is a story about the environmental clearance mechanism in India. Arguably legally strong, it fails in implementation. The project proponent looks upon the mechanism as a hurdle; for the administrator, it is mere routine. For affected communities, the

The dispute between India and Pakistan over the use of the waters of the Indus and its tributaries and its resolution through a treaty in 1960 constitute a useful precedent to solve the present row.
