The present study was undertaken to ascertain the quality of Godavari river water.

Heterotrophic bacteria are accounted for the most important proportion of decomposers in the aquatic ecosystems, which are responsible for key process regulating the function and productivity of ecosystem through the microbial loop. Heterotrophic bacteria in the fresh water ecosystem form a major part of the food web and mediate important processes in the carbon budget. As in both fresh water and marine waters, the biomass and size distribution of bacteria are important parameters of ecosystem function.

Water quality monitoring of a central Himalayan river, river Kosi was done for a period of one year. The study was done to ascertain the suitability of its water for potable supplies and to generate benchmark data for the management of the river ecosystem, as the river has a great bearing on the socio-agricultural life of the region.

Water samples were collected from different places in Godavari River located at Sangam point in Maharashtra and Basar point in Andhra Pradesh. The results obtained are compared with drinking water standard (BIS-10500). The results obtained envisaged that pH value of drinking water samples were slightly neutral but the maximum pH was recorded in the site III at Bastar point (Andhra Pradesh) sampling location and minimum value 7.22 was noticed in site III at Sangam point.
