Cleaning The River By 2010 Is A Tall Order, Environmentalists Sceptical Of Govt Claims.

For a healthier tomorrow, doctors in the city are now launching a

In a study by the Central Pollution Control Board, the Bharalu and Kolong rivers of Assam have featured among 71 most polluted in the country.

The river Bharalu and Kolong are among the 71 most polluted stretch of river in the country, according to a study by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

Magsaysay Award winner Rajendra Rana today urged the centre to frame a law to save the country's rivers from disappearing by October 1 next failing which he would launch a water conservation satyagrah

In a setback to environmentalists, the Pune Municipal Corporation Court on Monday rejected the plea of voluntary group Parisar opposing the construction of a road on the Mutha riverbed.

The most outstanding feature of the River Ganga is that it offers uncommon environmental diversity, impressive scenery, and an outstanding adventurous and wilderness experience. All these attributes contribute towards wild land-based recreation. The objective of this article is to assess the environmental and socio-cultural impacts of camping and white-water rafting on this river. This article has largely relied on primary survey and secondary data collected from different government departments.

Rivers are facing crisis of their existence. Though trees are being axed but they are not being planted in the same proportion. Small rivers are continuously disappearing and big rivers' water assets is decreasing. Rivers are getting polluted and water animals are decreasing continuously. Tributaries, which are the main source of big rivers, are also facing extinction. Amidst these concerns a three-day international Nadi convention was organised at Bandrabhan where the thinkers considered over these issues. On the concluding day, Governor Dr Balram Jakhar said that progress at the cost of harm to nature is not proper. If our ecology system is not safe then the whole creation including human beings would also meet with end. Trees are necessary for rivers and water. The Nadi Mahotsava came out with an 8-point declaration with emphasis on protection and conservation of rivers. The first point of declaration lays emphasis on making the basin as base for researches. Maximum flood level should be left for river, this suggestion has also been given in the declaration. The declaration says that Nadi Janpad would be constituted at national level and to develop banking system of the rivers. Under this provision, each river should have its own account and a balance sheet should be prepared for expenditure on the river. The delegates in the convention reiterated on deepening river basins. Work should be done on small rivers of the state. The participants emphasised on storing of rain water through various means. Special efforts would be required to make the water sources of Narmada, Betwa and other big rivers clean. Apart from optimum exploitation of nature there is also need to pay attention towards its conservation.

Twenty water samples of Chenab, Ramban area were analysed for Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The analysis revealed that all the cations are present within the permissible limits except Fe, Mn and Ni which are slightly present in higher concentrations.

This paper represents the result of chemical characteristics such as Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand during one year at Nanded (Maharashtra) and Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh). It was observed that Godavari River at Nanded was more polluted than Rajahmundry.
