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Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Giriraj Parikrama Sanrakshan Sansthan & Others Vs Department of Environment & Forests & Others dated 19/08/2019 regarding cleaniness of Goverdhan Paravat and its Parikarma. The Court Commissioner, Anand V. Shukla visited the site on two festivals and reported that compliance of the order of the NGT was a total failure. Cleanliness of Parikarma Marg, Mansi Ganga, Daan Ghati and the temples at all these places was in dismal state as well as garbage cleaning and its removal from temples.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M/s. Hindon River Resorts Pvt. Ltd. & Others Vs Ghaziabad Development Authority & Others dated 14/08/2019 regarding three STPs at Indirapuram, Ghaziabad not working properly resulting in pollution of the area. The plants are being managed by Ghaziabad Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam and Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam. The sewage is over flowing due to obstruction and dumping of garbage by scrap dealers on the side lines of the open drains and due to encroachment by high rise complexes and shops.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News item published in "The Times of India" Authored by Times News Network Titled “Reeking of apathy : Breathing outside Jahangirpuri metro station is a luxury” dated 14/08/2019 regarding choking of drains and dumping of garbage outside the Jahagirpuri Metro Station. Further, footpath outside Gate No.1 is covered with human and animal excreta. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation informed the local civic agencies including the PWD and North Delhi Municipal Corporation but with no result. There was also problem of water logging.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pramod Bahadur Vs North Delhi Municipal Corporation & Others dated 08/08/2019 regarding pollution caused on account of unregulated slaughter of pigs.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Municipal Council, Amarkantak Vs Digamber Jain Regional Committee & Others dated 02/08/2019 regarding construction by Municipal Council of Amarkantak of a block of bio-toilets at a distance of about 70 meters from the Narmada Kund.

In low- and middle-income countries, the management of fecal sludge from on-site sanitation systems has received little attention over many decades, resulting in insufficient or missing regulations to guide investments and management options.

Since 2016 the World Bank has explored a wide range of country experiences in delivering better water supply and sanitation services.

Globally, more than one in five children are stunted. In Ethiopia, it's more than one in three. With evidence growing on the connections between undernutrition and poor water, sanitation and hygiene, WaterAid and Action Against Hunger investigated how to tackle these two challenges, at policy level and on the ground.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Joydeep Mukherjee Vs Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal & Others dated 29/07/2019 regarding discharge of municipal solid waste and plastic bags in and around Tarapith area, Rampurhat subdivision of Birbhum district in West Bengal. Report submitted by the District Magistrate and Collector, Birbhum informed the Tribunal that a garbage clearance agency has been appointed for collection of waste material from the periphery of Maa-Tara Temple and both the sides of river Dwarka where hotels, guest houses and shops are situated.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Joydeep Mukherjee Vs Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal & Others dated 29/07/2019 regarding discharge of municipal solid waste and plastic bags in and around Tarapith area, Rampurhat subdivision of Birbhum district in West Bengal. Report submitted by the District Magistrate and Collector, Birbhum informed the Tribunal that a garbage clearance agency has been appointed for collection of waste material from the periphery of Maa-Tara Temple and both the sides of river Dwarka where hotels, guest houses and shops are situated.
