Enable Block: 

West Bengal and Sikkim are very close to achieving 100 per cent ODF coverage.

The mission mirrors the national developmental priorities by focusing on gender equality and women empowerment, the survey said

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of RWA Society Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi dated 04/07/2019 regarding bad odour from the STP, Kondli in Delhi as the STP is not operated as per norms. The sludge is not being cleaned which is resulting in air pollution.

By 2050, India will be in the global hot spot for ‘water insecurity' and there is an urgent need to focus on irrigation water productivity to raise agricultural productivity says the Economic Survey tabled in the Lok Sabha today.

Order of the Supreme Court in the matter of Interglobe Aviation Limited Vs Union of India dated 02/07/2019 regarding disinfection of aircrafts through the process of fumigation.

Developing countries throughout Asia have made impressive gains in sanitation improvement through efforts to reduce open defecation and improve toilet coverage, and hygienic citywide fecal sludge management programs have become critical.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Giriraj Parikrama Sanrakshan Sansthan & Others Vs Department of Environment & Forests & Others dated 27/06/2019 regarding delay in the constitution of a Shrine Board for three temples of Govardhan - Jatipura, Dhanghati and Mansi Ganga.

The book is a compilation of media coverage of the major milestones of the Swachh Bharat Mission since 2014.

Billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, according to a new report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

Uttarkhand's Tourism Department will launch a cleanliness drive on the World Environment Day on June 5 to spread a message among people about building a clean environment.
