Brazilian cities in coastal areas are more vulnerable to climate change, especially to the sea level rise, but also to such events as heavy rain, storms, floods, and coastal erosion, all of which c
The goal of this paper is to bring a risk‐based mindset to the challenge of climate change and its effects on atmospheric perils of relevance to catastrophe modeling. Section 1 summarizes some key elements of climate and climate change and its relevance for weather extremes.
This research report presents the first comprehensive overview of the multiple climate hazard risks, and the proposed key issues and challenges facing the South Asian region. This report suggests methods for mapping such risks and estimating their impacts on people and agriculture in South Asia.
Panaji: The extensive deposits of windowpane oysters and other shell deposits in the hillside at Chicalim, revealed by excavation work in the area, are indicators of a high sea level more than 2,00
Governments around the world are increasingly being challenged in court to do more to combat the threat of climate change, with litigation ranging from a group’s attempt to stop an airport runway i
Tackling climate change could boost the world's 20 biggest economies by nearly 5 percent in 2050, compared to a continuation of current policies, the Paris-based OECD said on Tuesday.
For island nations like Kirabati in the Pacific Ocean, climate change poses an existential threat – and reducing that risk was the topic of a meeting in Mexico on Monday, ahead of the biennial 2017
Hawaii will likely suffer more coastal flooding this week driven by record high tides, a symptom of global warming that could become routine within decades, scientists said Monday.
The dangers posed by that warming are further exacerbated by a lack of local research into what ocean level increase will do to the coastline this century. (David Harrison)