The Conference of Parties to the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) opens its eighth session (COP 8), with a view to defining a roadmap for strengthening and expanding the scope of the landmark global health treaty.

In India, according to a 2012 report in The Lancet as quoted by Medical News Today, breast cancer is one of the most common problems among women here.

Order of the High Court of Delhi in the matter of Seema Sehgal Vs Union of India & Others dated 21/08/2018 regarding sale of e-cigarettes. Delhi High Court directs the Secretary of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to file an affidavit indicating by whag time regulatory measures would be brought into place and enforced. The Court further warned that if it is not satisfied with the response given by the Secretary coercive actions will be taken against the Department.

Currently, lung cancer is responsible for five deaths per 1,000 in India and seven per 1,000 in Delhi

A new study on lung cancer has thrown up disturbing trends on the emergence of the disease among non-smokers, younger people and females.

GUWAHATI, June 27: According to a survey report released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Assam has been listed as the fourth highest tobacco consuming state in the country.

While lifestyle-related cancers saw a universal increase from 2006 to 2016, several cancers from infectious causes – including cervical and stomach cancers – decreased over the same time period finds this global study published in the journal "'ONCOLOGY"

Vijay Tiwari, 56, a leading gutkha manufacturer, began chewing a lethal mixture of tobacco, betel nut, and palm nut at 12 during tasting sessions at his factory.

Tobacco kills almost 7 million people across the world every year and nearly a million of them are not even smokers.

Although most countries have seen a fall in smoking rates, only a minority of countries look set to meet global and national commitments to cut tobacco use in over 15s by 30 per cent by 2025 reveals this new WHO report.
