One of the world's biggest cigarette companies, British American Tobacco, has taken Kenya's government to court over its move to make anti-smoking laws stricter.

The tobacco industry is hampering efforts to introduce life-saving interventions in low and middle-income countries, according to a report by the World Health Organization.

The latest WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic finds that more countries have implemented tobacco control policies, ranging from graphic pack warnings and advertising bans to no smoking areas.

Heart failure (HF) is a major cause of disability and premature mortality. Heart failure is a condition where heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's requirements.

India has 81 lakh fewer tobacco users now than it did in 2010, with tobacco use falling by six percentage points in the past seven years, according to the latest Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS).

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing worldwide.1 Epidemiologic studies have identified high body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) as a risk factor for an expanding set of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease,2,3 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease,2 many cancers,4 and an array of musculoskeletal disorders.5,6 As the global health community works to develop treatments and prevention policies to address obesity, timely information about levels of high BMI and health effects at the population level is

The latest Global Adult Tobacco Survey finds tobacco users have reduced by 81 lakh, and that pictorial warnings are very effective

The percentage of men and women who use tobacco every day has dropped in most nations since 1990, but the total number of smokers and tobacco-related deaths has increased, a consortium of researche

One in four children in the age group of 13-15 years in India suffer from depression, which affects 86 million people in South-East Asia region, the WHO said.

The heating of the fluids used in electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes”) used to create “vaping” aerosols is capable of causing a wide range of degradation reaction products. We investigated formation of benzene (an important human carcinogen) from e-cigarette fluids containing propylene glycol (PG), glycerol (GL), benzoic acid, the flavor chemical benzaldehyde, and nicotine.

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