A fetus exposed to tobacco smoke may be at increased risk for diabetes in adulthood, a new study of adult daughters finds.

Ireland has become the first country in Europe to ban branded cigarette packets.

Findings published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research show that governmental smoking bans don't seem to be helping smokers quit.

SHANGHAI’S lawmakers are working to amend the current anti-smoking law to include a ban on smoking in indoor public and at work places after an earlier effort during the 2010 World Expo delivered e

Scientific research over the last decade has increasingly demonstrated that exposure to secondhand smoke is not simply a nuisance; it is deadly. Secondhand smoke exposure causes multiple diseases in children, including asthma and pneumonia, and results in thousands of avoidable hospitalizations. Secondhand smoke exposure is a major cause of sudden infant death syndrome and may cause lung cancer and heart attacks with repeated exposure. No safe level of exposure exists.

There is no difference in the percentage of smokers among women in rural and urban areas (0.7 per cent each) in the State, but more men in rural areas (17.2 per cent) smoke as compared to their cou

The death risk from smoking may be much higher than previously thought - tobacco kills up to two in every three smokers not one in every two, data from a large study suggests.

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)-associated particulate matter (PM) has to be seen as an independent health hazard and needs to be discussed separately from the already well-known toxic and carcinogenic compounds contained in cigarette smoke. We believe that brandspecific amounts of PM are of public interest and should be investigated.

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What the Act says

E-cigarettes have for the first time been found to be harmful to the lungs in the same way as traditional nicotine cigarettes.
